21. Glossary
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Bet- A placing of money on the outcome of a race.
Blind Pool-Any betting pool where the odds are not posted prior to the race.
Chalk-A race finish that include two or more of the crowds favorites.
Closer-A dog that usually starts slow and gains position from the early part of the race to the end.
Comment-The area in the program that is used by the chartwriter to enter his thoughts on the dogs race.
Configuration-DogBases word used to describe the file that controls how DogBase picks the race.
Consolation-A bet with no outright winner.
Course-The distance of a race.
Dead Heat-A tie for a finish position.
Entry-A greyhound contestant for a race.
Fader-A dog that starts fast and loses positions at the end of the race.
Favorite-The crowds choice to win the race.
Gainer-See Closer.
Grade-This refers to the tracks system to qualify greyhounds for a race. Each race is assigned a specific grade and only greyhound that qualify for that grade can be entered in it. The only exceptions to this is T and S Grade races which can have mixed grades of greyhounds in them.
Handicapping-The act of trying to determine the most likely outcome of a race based on the dogs past performance.
In the Money-Running in First, Second or Third Finish Positions.
Inside Runner-A dog that runs on the inner part of the track.
Length- The time interval of .07 of a second. Approximately the length of one greyhound.
Midtrack Runner-A dog that runs on the middle part of the track.
Outside Runner-A greyhound that run on the outermost part of the track.
Overlay-When a greyhound is bet much less than it deserves.
Pace-Refers to the presence or absence of early speed in a race.
Pari-Mutual- A French word meaning "Betting amongst ourselves". Always remember your betting against the other guy, not the track.
Quitter-See Fader.
Rail Runner-A dog that runs next to the rail.
Steady Runner- A dog that runs steadily from the beginning to the end of the race. These dogs usually finish close to where they were at the first call neither fading or gaining more than 1 position.
Wager-The placing of a bet on specific race.
Wide Runner-A dog that runs on the middle to outer part of the track.
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Last Updated 01/26/2001